- Over 900 hours of instruction (73 classes), and constantly growing
- Wide range of topics, from new believers, lay and elder training, to seminary-level classes
- Top professors from 14 schools
- Broadly evangelical, not tied to any one church, denomination, or theological tradition
- We value holistic education (head, heart, hands) delivered in community in mentor/apprenticeship relationships
Here are some of the classes:
TH101 52 Major Stories of the Bible Dr. Bill Mounce
TH150 Dynamics of Christian Spirituality Dr. Glen Scorgie
NT110 Essentials of Biblical Hermeneutics Dr. Mark Strauss
WM201 Essentials of World Missions Dr. Timothy Tennent
CM151 Essentials of Worship Dr. Gary Parrett
NT102 How to Study Your Bible Dr. George Guthrie
BiblicalTraining Institute
TH710 Advanced Worldview Analysis Dr. Ron Nash
NT201 Biblical Greek Dr. Bill Mounce
NT510 Biblical Hermeneutics Dr. Robert Stein
TH601 Christian Apologetics Dr. Ron Nash
ET501 Christian Ethics Dr. Ron Nash
CH502 Church History I Dr. Gerald Bray
CH503 Church History II Dr. Gerald Bray
EM502 Educational Ministry of the Church Dr. Gary Parrett
NT203 Greek Tools for Bible Study Dr. Bill Mounce
NT538 Hebrews Dr. George Guthrie
TH620 History of Philosophy and Christian Thought Dr. Ron Nash
WM646 Introduction to Buddhism Dr. Timothy Tennent
WM645 Introduction to Hinduism Dr. Timothy Tennent
WM647 Introduction to Islam Dr. Timothy Tennent
NT511 Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel and Acts Dr. Craig Blomberg
NT512 Introduction to the New Testament: Romans to Revelation Dr. Craig Blomberg
NT520 Life of Christ Dr. Darrell Bock
CH643 Martin Luther Dr. Gordon Isaac
NT521 New Testament Introduction Dr. Ben Witherington
NT502 New Testament Survey – Acts to Revelation Dr. Robert Stein
NT501 New Testament Survey – Gospels Dr. Robert Stein
NT504 New Testament Survey: Acts-Revelation Dr. Thomas Schreiner
NT575 New Testament Theology Dr. Frank Thielman
OT500 Old Testament Survey Dr. Douglas Stuart
OT590 Old Testament Theology Dr. Paul House
PR600 Preaching Dr. Bryan Chapell
DMS506 Principles of Effective Leadership Dr. John Johnson
NT666 Revelation Dr. Robert Mulholland
NT620 Romans Dr. Douglas Moo
TH503 Systematic Theology I Dr. Bruce Ware
TH504 Systematic Theology II Dr. Bruce Ware
WM601 The World Mission of the Church Dr. Timothy Tennent
TH610 Theology and Practice of Evangelism Dr. Robert Tuttle, Jr.
DMS501 Theology of Ministry Dr. John Johnson
WM602 Theology of World Missions Dr. Peter Kuzmi?
CM551 Worship Dr. Gary Parrett
LD225 Biblical Eldership Dr. John Piper
BT201 Biblical Theology Dr. Craig Blomberg
LD415 Desiring God Dr. John Piper
EM152 Essentials of Christian Education Dr. Gary Parrett
OT190 Essentials of Old Testament Theology Dr. Paul House
LD425 Future Grace/Battling Unbelief Dr. John Piper
LD615 Gravity and Gladness on Sunday Morning Dr. John Piper
PR100 Introduction to Public Speaking Dr. Bryan Chapell
CM100 Mentoring the New Believer Dr. Bill Mounce
LD420 Prayer, Meditation and Fasting Dr. John Piper
LD620 Sexual Complementarity Dr. John Piper
EM153 Small Group Dynamics Dr. Ron Pyle
TH250 Spiritual Formation Dr. John Coe
LD220 Suffering for the Sake of the Body Dr. John Piper
LD625 T.U.L.I.P Dr. John Piper
NT120 The New Testament, its Basic Structure, Content, and Theology Dr. Bill Mounce
EV327 Urban Church Planting Dr. Don Davis
LD215 Why We Believe the Bible Dr. John Piper
WM240 World Religions Dr. Timothy Tennent
SBO01 Breaking the Da Vinci Code Dr. Darrell Bock
CH100 Church History Dr. Gordon Isaac
TH201 Essentials of Christian Apologetics Dr. Ron Nash
ET101 Essentials of Christian Ethics Dr. Ron Nash
TH220 Essentials of Philosophy and Christian Thought Dr. Ron Nash
OT100 Essentials of the Old Testament Dr. Douglas Stuart
TH310 Essentials of Worldview Analysis Dr. Ron Nash
CH201 History of the English Bible Dr. Daniel Wallace
TH251 Spiritual Warfare Dr. Gerry Breshears
CH243 The Essential Luther Dr. Gordon Isaac
TH230 Theology of the Reformers Dr. Timothy George
TH100 Life is a Journey Dr. Bill Mounce